Friday, May 21, 2010

Mr.Bean's Holiday

Mr.Bean's Holiday was crazy and funny.He was so stupid.He also found a man in the street.He asked him if he can recorded a video of him.Then the man said yes.Then after the man recorded the video he get on the train.Then after he get on the train the door closed, and the other man had to get on, because his son was in the train.Then his son was sad because his dad can't get on the train.Then the train left.Then Mr.Bean saw the boy when he give off the train.Mr. Bean give off of the train too because he saw the boy alone.The boy was so sad.Then Mr. Bean take care of the boy until they found the boy's father.Then Mr.Bean left his passport in a public telephone.He can't go find his passport because he get on the train.Then he give off the train with the boy.Mr.Bean lost his money.He and the boy were so humgry.They found a man that he saled CD's so they take borrowed a speaker of him.

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